How To Bed-In Your EBC Brakes For Street Or Track Use
The Ultimax, Greenstuff, Yellowstuff and Redstuff EBC pad grades come with a brake in coating that scrubs the rotor surface, accelerates bed in times and provides a strong brake effect for the first 100 miles of use as your pads seat themselves.
If you are using your vehicle for fastest street or competition, some EBC compounds require extra bedding which is detailed below.
EBC Yellowstuff Bed-in Procedure
- Fast Street use Pre Bed Fade 1 – drive 50 to 100 miles on Public road/highway normal driving to allow the pads to mate up to the disc and establish full contact followed by 8 stops from 80 mph to 30 mph at 300 yard intervals and then coasting allowing the brakes to cool.
If using Yellowstuff on the track ….
- FADE 2 – After the basic street pre bed above performed on the road or at the track if installed there …..Perform 10 medium pressure snubs at the track from 80-20mph leaving 300 meters between each snub (approx 0.4g decel)
- Allow pads to cool for 15 minutes minimum after coasting to the pits allowing brakes to cool a little.
- FADE 3 – Perform 6 high-pressure snubs from 90-20mph with a maximum acceleration between consecutive snubs. (approx 0.8g decel, or 80% of an emergency stop)
- Allow the brakes to fully cool for a minimum of 1 hour before the race session.
EBC Bluestuff Bed-in Procedure
- Perform the Street Pre Bed Fade 1 routine as above (either on the road or at the track if installed there ) followed by Fade 2 at the race track.
- Latest Bluestuff DM3362 and Low Mu versions should only take Fade 2 and a 15 minute cooling time to be ready to race.
- Fade 3 should not be necessary unless poor disc condition has prevented proper seating but if you have time DO perform Fade 3.
EBC RP-X and RP-1 Race Compounds Bed-in Procedure
- No Street Pre Bed needed or legally allowed, these are pure race track compounds
- Single gentle lap to seat pads to rotors followed by Fade 3 as above should be all that is needed